
The pain of migraines can range from moderate to severe and throbbing, often along with nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light or sound.

What are migraines?

Migraines are headaches. The pain of a migraine can range from moderate to severe and throbbing, often along with nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light or sound. The pain may be limited to one side of the head. They generally last between four and 72 hours. Many migraine sufferers experience symptoms called “auras” that signal a migraine is coming on.

Usually, your doctor can tell that your headache is a migraine by asking you specific questions and giving you an exam. Sometimes, your doctor may suggest you get special x-rays or other tests to be sure.


What can trigger a migraine?

Many things can trigger a migraine, e.g., hormone changes, foods, smells, hunger, tension relief after stressful events, and stressful situations.

How can Lappert Skin Care help me?

BOTOX can be injected around pain fibers that are involved in headaches. BOTOX enters the nerve endings around the injection point and blocks the release of chemicals involved in pain transmission. This prevents the activation of pain networks in the brain.

This injectable treatment prevents migraine headaches before they start, but usually takes time to work. One treatment lasts for 10-12 weeks, and patients reported that two BOTOX treatments reduced the number of headache days by approximately 50%.*

BOTOX is not recommended for patients who experience fewer than 15 headache days a month.

Request a consultation in Decatur, Alabama

If you have been having migraine headaches (or believe your headaches could be migraines), request an appointment at Lappert Skin Care. You can reach us by phone at 256-355-5585, or you can fill out the form on our site to request your consultation.

Treatments for Migraines

* Individual results may vary; not a guarantee.

Call us at 256-355-5585 or request below.



We're happy to answer any questions you may have, feel free to call us at
(256) 772-7123